SincoTec on the Road to Self-Sufficiency – Solar Offensive

SincoTec on the Road to Self-Sufficiency - Solar Offensive

Our Contribution to the Energy Transition

Solar-equipped roof area opposite
SincoTec headquarters

Dynamic testing laboratories require a substantial amount of energy, significantly impacting overall testing costs. SincoTec, with its in-house developed resonance testing machines, holds a notable advantage. However, out of its 160 machines, two-fifths-comprising servo-hydraulic, servo-pneumatic, or electric drives – use a significant amount of energy, comparable to that of a single-family home.

It’s also crucial to remember that various measurement systems operate continuously for each test setup, and the cumulative energy use of lighting and monitoring systems is substantial.

The shift toward solar energy has been widely discussed, prompting SincoTec to explore self-generation options such as photovoltaics or small wind turbines.

 In 2015, the company developed a durable small wind turbine known as a vertical rotor. However, photovoltaics proved to offer clear advantages in simplicity and cost-efficiency over wind turbines.

SincoTec’s facilities can accommodate nearly 1,000 solar modules, totaling over 400 kWp – enough to completely power its testing operations with solar energy. The engineers and technicians at SincoTec are dedicated to maximizing energy efficiency and have integrated it deeply into their work culture. Plans for future expansion include the addition of large battery storage systems utilizing sodium technology, which offers a nearly infinite lifespan and whose heavier weight is inconsequential for stationary applications.

Solar-equipped roof area opposite
SincoTec headquarters


How can we help you?​

When it comes to testing your products, components or assemblies for their load capacity, service life and reliability, we have the right solution. Please briefly describe your problem, we will be happy to get back to you in a timely manner!

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Service load testing

From the road to the lab. Replicating real measured or gathered load signals on your component.
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Replicate your component's operational conditions by complementing mechanical testing with environmental simulations.
Fatigue testing

Fatigue testing

Fatigue strength testing according to DIN 50100, ASTM E466-15, ISO 1099 - Determining the strength of components and materials.

More Accurate, Faster, Safer – TestPilot 2.0

More Accurate, Faster, Safer - TestPilot 2.0

Newly Developed Controller Hardware for Forced Excitation Test Systems

TestPilot 2.0

Our in-house developed TestPilot hardware has undergone a significant upgrade. The enhancements include an increased measurement and control rate of 50 kHz per channel and improved measurement accuracy to 24 bits. Utilizing a high-performance, real-time capable MultiCore CPU, TestPilot 2.0 is equipped to handle increasingly complex testing tasks.

The controller is versatile, available either as a standalone unit or for cabinet installation in two different sizes. The first variant is a cost-effective, up to two-axis version suitable for simpler test setups. The second is an up to eight-axis version designed for more demanding multi-axis applications. Both versions have enhanced digital inputs and outputs, now featuring 32 of each, with some capable of functioning as counter inputs (A or AB).

Safety has also been elevated in the new model. By incorporating special positively driven relays with feedback to control media release, the system achieves Performance Level “d” (ISO 13849), ensuring higher safety standards.

TestPilot 2.0 continues to be operated via our well-established CoPilot PC software, which supports seamless integration and operation with all generations of TestPilot controllers.

Key Features of TestPilot 2.0:

Measuring and control rate of 50 kHz per channel

Measurement accuracy of 24 bits

Available as a standalone device or for cabinet installation in two configurations:

Up to two-axis for simpler setups

Up to eight-axis for complex multi-axis applications

32 enhanced digital inputs and outputs, some usable as counter inputs

Enhanced safety with Performance Level “d” certification

Operated using the trusted CoPilot software for effortless compatibility with previous controller generations

TestPilot 2.0

SincoTec CoPilot user interface with running test


How can we help you?​

When it comes to testing your products, components or assemblies for their load capacity, service life and reliability, we have the right solution. Please briefly describe your problem, we will be happy to get back to you in a timely manner!

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Service load testing

Service load testing

From the road to the lab. Replicating real measured or gathered load signals on your component.
Environmental simulation

Environmental simulation

Replicate your component's operational conditions by complementing mechanical testing with environmental simulations.
Fatigue testing

Fatigue testing

Fatigue strength testing according to DIN 50100, ASTM E466-15, ISO 1099 - Determining the strength of components and materials.

Hot-cold and constantly under pressure

Hot-cold and constantly under pressure

New development: flow-through internal pressure pulsation test rig

Internal pressure pulsation test rig

One not immediately visible but nevertheless relevant stress for vehicles with electric drives is the temperature of the individual components of the powertrain. Winter temperatures of -20°C can reduce the range of an e-vehicle by approx. 50%. Consistent monitoring and adjustment of the temperatures of the individual components in the e-drive can significantly improve performance, range and service life. An example of this is the battery. This is cooled in summer and during charging, but must be heated in winter. Thanks to the high efficiency of electric drives, they themselves produce relatively little waste heat. Additional components such as electric auxiliary heaters and heat pumps must therefore be used for heating. In addition, there is a large number of electrically controlled valves, evaporators, fans etc. It is therefore no longer appropriate to speak of a “pure cooling system” for an e-drive vehicle, but rather of a “thermal management system”.

Within this system, there are a large number of components that are subjected to two different temperatures at the same time. On the one hand with the temperature of the coolant, on the other hand with the ambient temperature in which the component is located. Added to this are pressure fluctuations in the cooling system. In order to be able to better simulate this load situation for testing the components, SincoTec Test & Engineering developed a flow-through internal pressure pulsation test rig.
On this test rig, the above-mentioned components, but also other components, can be flowed through with a temperature-controlled coolant and simultaneously subjected to pressure pulsation while these components are at an ambient temperature that differs from the coolant temperature. Ambient temperatures between -40°C and 140°C, media temperatures up to 120°C, pressures between 0 bar and 5 bar (relative) and volume flows up to 50 l/min can be generated.

Internal pressure pulsation test rig

Diagram: Performance of a battery related to temperature


How can we help you?​

When it comes to testing your products, components or assemblies for their load capacity, service life and reliability, we have the right solution. Please briefly describe your problem, we will be happy to get back to you in a timely manner!

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Service load testing

Service load testing

From the road to the lab. Replicating real measured or gathered load signals on your component.
Environmental simulation

Environmental simulation

Replicate your component's operational conditions by complementing mechanical testing with environmental simulations.
Fatigue testing

Fatigue testing

Fatigue strength testing according to DIN 50100, ASTM E466-15, ISO 1099 - Determining the strength of components and materials.